Wednesday, May 5

Patrick Dempsey Confirmed for Transformers 3, Role Further Identified

According to Entertainment Weekly, Paramount has confirmed that Patrick Dempsey has been cast in Transformers 3. The report also clarifies his role further. Patrick Dempsey will play the boss of Mikaela Banes in a roll that is "significant to the plot". This information is in addition to his previous comments about his role being "darker". 

Thanks to TFW2005.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not fond of seeing such films, but knowing that you are leaving your Dempsey, of course I'll go see Transformers, and congratulations for everything you achieve, and hopefully you'll never get out of the TV series GREY ^ S ANATHOMY ....... CONGRATULATIONS your friend Tamaulipas, Mexico Nuevo Laredo Municipality


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